Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow

I am currently leading a small group at my church through the study, Not a Fan, by Kyle Idleman. In this morning's session, he told us to imagine Jesus going before us as we transitioned into different activities during the day, picturing him showing us what to do and how he wants us to do it.

I did this all day today through every transition of my day. What a difference! I have always dedicated my day to God or asked him for his protection, guidance, etc. However, I have never pictured Jesus in that capacity, training me as a disciple as I go through my daily routine.

I'm telling you, it changed my day! This was the most peaceful and disciplined day I have ever had. Consciously asking Jesus to show me the ropes before I transitioned into each phase of my day kept me open to his instruction and "whispers" and it was awesome.

The sugar battle (HUGE battle ) was even easy to conquer. I was leaving the store and my usual route home takes me past two Starbucks (mocha frapps, baby!). I was going to give in, but when I got to the parking lot exit, because I asked him to show me what to do and how before I left to go to the store, I was open to his prompting to turn right instead of my usual left. That way still took me home, but without passing a Starbucks.

He also worked with me on consistently and lovingly disciplining my children. He showed me how and where to stop and train them, or even to love on them a little longer. I saw my children respond differently to each other and to me. My house was peaceful, which is not the norm for this boy house.

He even showed me where I needed to make adjustments in my day and homeschooling curriculum. These were decisions I had been struggling with in my own strength, but were easily settled when I allowed him to lead. He also led me to spur of the moment acts of service to others.  It was amazing.

I will definitely do it again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next! I'm ready to follow where and how Jesus leads me. Where He leads me I will follow.

I'll go with Him.

With Him.

All the way.

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